BEES, HELLDuring the Civil War, my grandmother Emma Stumpf's father was proprietor of a hotel in Gettysburg. During the battle in July 1863, two of his young sons, Ephraim and Abraham Yount, decided to get a better look at the action. Climbing through a trapdoor to the roof, they were getting situated for a good view when Abraham said, "Listen to those bees. I hope we don't get bit." "Bees, hell", replied Ephraim, "Those are bullets! " And they both dove down into the hotel post haste. |
GETAWAYDuring the confusion wrought by shifting lines during the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, a Union officer found himself in the Borough which was then in Rebel hands. Desperately wishing to get to his troops, he explained his predicament to a couple of loyal locals. It wasn't long before he was safely on his way and delivered to his a barrel of flour! |
MUSIC APPRECIATIONSomewhere it came to pass that under extreme pressure by Federal troops, the Confederate captain gave his orders. "Get that melodeon outside and put it in the barricade" he said. Having so little chance to enjoy such a diversion, the men pleaded with their captain not to destroy the instrument. "Well," he proposed, "if it can play 'Dixie", it may stay." And a pianist was found who quickly played the tune which proved to save their source of entertainment. |
It was during a cold winter in the west central part of Pennsylvania.
The small town served as a trade center for the surrounding farms and
coal mines. The people of the community were suffering through the
influenza epidemic in the year 1918. |
Kernels gleaned in a 80-year walk across the fields of the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries |
6. A military axiom learned early: Never volunteer for anything! And don't forget the last clause in the list of duties you were assigned---"and such other duties as may be assigned!" 7. The only lucky rabbit's foot is still on the rabbit. 8. Of course at night you must never light your smokes 'three-on-a-match'. It gives your enemy across the way time to aim his gun at you. 9. In my work as a conservationist, I provided services to landowners such as the designing of ponds, the laying out of contour stripcropping or the establishing of tile drainage systems. Occasionally upon completion of the job, the farmer might ask if there was a charge or simply tried to offer money. Since I was a federal employee any acceptance of such gratuities was prohibited. I suppose my first supervisor was facing reality when he cautioned us to take anything but a check! 10. We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing. 11. "Keep the faith." As I was growing up, those words of my mother never really sunk in. Then, on December 24, 1944, I arrived in India as a radioman of a plane's crew. The next day (Christmas) we flew on across the country to the Tezgaon air base in the state of Bengal. We were in time for Christmas dinner. I picked up my mess tray and started past the line of native food servers. The first one greeted me with a broad smile and asked, "'I'm a Christian, what are you?" With the little aplomb I could gather as an astonished 19-year-old, I assured him that I was one, too. This Indian member of a tiny minority of Christians in this foreign land had challenged my belief. "Keep the faith." 12. It's a great life if you don't weaken.
13. Never drink liquor at a company Christmas party as you may say something that you mean. 15. If I get much uglier, it would only be civil to have a closed-casket viewing at my funeral. 16. Written on one of my birthday cards:"Life is short at best. Get out of life what you can and put in life what you can, it's a great game. Dad" 17. Luis Marden of the National Geographic once said, "One lifetime isn't enough. Just when you start to learn, it's time to go." 18. Latest advice: "Illegitimati; non carborundum" --translated to mean-- "Don't let the bastards grind you down." 19. When Fort Ligonier was pretty well reconstructed, I took the family to look it over. It was quite impressive. Then in the entrance building I noticed a bronze plaque on a wall which stated that the renovation project received no government funding. It was signed something like, "The Mellon and Scaife Foundations." I had to stifle a loud guffaw. With backing like that, who needs the government? 20. A car which you have bought, new or used, is not really yours until it gets a dent under your ownership. 21. The guy who wears a belt and suspenders at the same time must have been caught with his pants down. 22. Gravity can kill you, all by itself! 23. Advice to myself for my next life: Invest early in a paper company; humankind now can't live without it. 24. One can drown in an AVERAGE depth of water. 25. Sincerity is too often claimed as a virtue; hell, Hitler was sincere! 26. Dad advised the Boy Scouts of Verona in the 1930s, "If something doesn't belong to you, it belongs to someone else."
1. Life Style 18. Multi-tasking. The only time that I multi-task is when I dream while sleeping. |
Dad had been present at a meeting of bigwigs at the company where he
worked as a young timekeeper. Following the meeting, Dad was the last
to leave. When he reached for his hat, he found that someone had
mistakenly taken his hat and the
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