Andrew McCreight & Ann Sharp
1787 -- 1953
(by) M.I. McCreight
*Note penned inside - "To M. Catharine McCreight Stumpf: Daughter of M.I. McCreight & Alice Humphrey -- wife of pioneer Ray N. Stumpf -- limited to 100 copies -- cost enough but worth it, (sig) M.I.McCreight"
It is 68 years since the last reunion of the baker's dozen of McCreights was held at the old homestead. Instigated by cousin Ann Gibson and her husband, the doctor, it was a most appropriate thing to do, to thus record the rare phenomenon of a family of sons and daughters having grown to old age - thirteen of them! They are the sons and daughters of Andrew McCreight and Ann Sharp.
Andrew McCreight was the son of James McCreight, born in 1787 on Crooked Creek, Indiana County. Ann Sharp was the daughter of Andrew Sharp, the pioneer Revolution Captain, and the first settler in the Crooked Creek section, now known as Shelocta, where he took a large plot of land in 1785.
This was raw undeveloped frontier -- far from markets or safety from Indian outbreaks. During 1794 the Indians were carrying on in order of threatening to drive out all whites; the Captain was discouraged, fearful for safety for his family. Being a military officer, he was frequently from home; he decided to emigrate to Kentucky, and, with two other neighbors, built a house-boat to carry their goods and themselves down the Ohio. This heavy raft was a cumbrous affair, large enough to hold their horses and equipment, with cabin for shelter. It was launched at the mouth of Black Lick Creek in the Conemaugh, in the June floods of 1794, and at once floated on its way.
About where the town of Apollo now is, the raft was pulled to shore and snubbed to a tree with the purpose of camping overnight; the horses had been taken off, to pasture, when, suddenly a shot from the forest pierced the Captain's side, knocking the pipe from the mouth of his wife; another shot hit the Captain in the other side of his body; he called for his rifle which his wife handed to him; he rose on his elbow, aimed at a head appearing above a log -- and shot the very Indian who had twice shot him.
Captain Sharp had long service in the Revolution - one of the first to join Washington -- had stood guard at King's Bridge, and later held important places in military on the frontier, and this was the ignominious death wound of a heroic patriot. Desperate struggles of the Captain's wife at the heavy oar, got the houseboat into the river current and away from the shooting ground, on the way to a night of terror. Besides the Captain's wounds, another lay dead; the four little girls, from ten years down, in charge of the older, could only add to the anxiety of the mother who must carry back and forth the heavy timber to which the long broad steering blade of plank was fastened with bows and pins of oak. Darkness came as the craft swayed and swung over the flooded river. Darkness outside, darkness inside; only groans of pain from the wounded Captain and sobs and cries from the little ones came to the ears of the brave woman, heavy with an unborn, as she plodded back and forth on the rear end of the clumsy raft. Knowing not what moment the raft would hit a rock and pour them all into the torrent to be a moment of turmoil and the end of all. And, there was no kindly port ahead nor friendly neighbor at which to land or call for aid.
The river current would not halt -- only increased in speed and black night waited their fate as mile on mile brought them nearer and nearer to the raging Allegheny. It was terrifying! Yet, what could be terrifying after what they had been through! Screaming, and calling for aid in this wilderness was futile; prayer would be unanswered -- heard only by straying Indians who would not understand. Little ones asleep from exhaustion -- one man dead - one dying -- the mother alone, alive, with a mind -- resigned to fate. And the big boat on the Blacklick, now a mere oarless canoe afloat on the mighty torrent of the rock-bound Allegheny! A chip on the bosom of the ocean! Would it trail the current? Or would it drift aside and strike a rock? Who or what could say? --it had no answer -- only fate lay ahead!
Only this sturdy mother of that hale and hearty tribe of thirteen brothers and sisters of the Andrew McCreight family could have withstood the agony of that night ride on the helpless floating hospital on the June flood of 1794! From the shore at where Verona now stands, two men rowed out to give aid, for daylight had come. They sent a rider to warn the fort at Pittsburgh -- ten miles ahead. A doctor was called, the Captain placed in an improvised treatment room -- a silk handkerchief was drawn through the wounds; the woman and children cared for. For some days the patient seemed to improve. The 4th of July came, to be celebrated with heavy cannon shooting -- his wounds started bleeding and he died July 8th -- and was buried with honors of war. The widow and children were taken back to their old home in Cumberland County, but after a few years returned to the original home on Crooked Creek where the children grew and the younger married Andrew McCreight -- she being the writer's grandmother and the mother of thirteen who all grew to old age -- and whose photo is recorded herein.
Andrew McCreight and Ann Sharp were married sometime about 1810 - probably at the Sharp home; their first child, James, was born in 1812 - and we know that they moved from the Crooked Creek district to Jefferson County in 1832, settled in Paradise, the Tom McCreight farm. Here the large family was raised. And it was here on the same old farm, the photo of the brothers and sisters (except Jamison) was taken in October, 1884. Both Andrew and his wife, Ann, were deceased -- buried on the old homestead. As shown, James, the eldest, was 72 at this time. And the rest, stepped down at about two years apart, to the youngest, Hannah, unmarried then.
To go into the record of the marriages and the raising of their families would be more than can be recorded in this pamphlet. These wonderful men and women as I saw and knew them, viz: James (Uncle Jim) was the eldest and outstanding one of the lot to me. Once, when about 5 years old, old father took the family for a visit to his place, somewhere on South Branch of Plum Creek I recall Aunt Jane, and Ed, Will & Jennie, twins -- and the big red wagon -- more like a tallyho than a farm wagon; Jennie (Rankin) is still living at this writing.
Sharp was next in age, lived across the road east, his farm adjoining the old homestead, and immediately north of our farm, while Tom and Smith had acquired the old homestead. Sharp, of course, was named for his grandfather, Captain Sharp. His wife was Aunt Jane and they had for a family Sarah, John, James, William, Orrel -- a jump ahead of our family in age, to whom we of the John family had to look up to. Of the family, Angus Warnick is a daughter of Sarah, and the only one still living -- a lively old girl at 85.
And, they all wore whiskers. Uncle Joe went West and became a citizen of Nebraska -- ad so also, did Jamison -- Joe was the same height as Sharp -- a little less than Uncle Jim. Uncle Joe's son, John, married in Nebraska and had a son, Chester, who became a Travellers Insurance Company agent at Oklahoma City. John came next in age, looked a good deal like his brother Joe -- a little more stocky and broad shoulders. Of course we knew John better than any of the others for he was out chopping down pine trees much of his time -- for rafts to be floated down Sandy, Red Bank, the Allegheny, to Pittsburgh. He, with Wes Murphy cut the largest tree in the State -- six teams of oxen to haul it to Sandy -- sent down river to Pittsburgh -- there sent on to Cincinnati and marketed -- cut into ship-lap -- sold there for $308. Sixty years later engineers made a count of the one log 50 feet long 44 x 46 on face, and the net returns would then have amounted to over $1,800, for that one stick of timber. That was pine timber times! Many a big pine log the writer has hauled out of the deep woods with the ox team -- and many, also, he has helped gin over for cutting out the juggles for the hewing with the broad axe -- sometimes frozen fingers and frozen feet to be nursed ready for the next day's work.
Father John's family of six grown boys and girls were Susan, Joe, William, Israel, Lillian, Bruce -- Israel, Lillian and Bruce being the only ones living at this writing,(1952)
We now come down the line to Tom, who owns the old homestead farm. In front of the house stand the even dozen in the photo: Tom had been in the Army for a short time -- not so broad shouldered as John, but same height -- his wife was Frances McKee and their family: Smith, Ed, Ethel, Madison, Lloyd, Mary and Cora. Sharp, John and Tom adjoined farms and were always close neighbors, at school, and in work.
Tom and Smith, joint owners, were always partners; they bought a grist mill and saw mill at Prescottville where the big dam was made on Soldier Run -- the grist mill was operated by water wheel, and the saw mill at its side opposite was run by steam engine. Timber from all around the region above the dam was floated to and boomed in the mile-long dam, then a most popular place for dealing in lumber, feed and food, and for sport.
Smith's family consisted of his wife, Lizzie Murphy, who had no voice -- she had to whisper -- and when calling the youngsters, she took a stick of wood from behind the stove and pounded the outside of the house vigorously. Tom was the oldest, Clara next, and Beulah. Young Tom, as head of the work, was a proud teamster -- always had fine harness and kept his horses in complete order. In later years they left the mill and settled in Washington Count. All original family dead.
Here we must take up the sisters sitting in front of the brothers, viz: Sallie, married to Abe Neal -- lived on Mahoning Creek near the present North Point. Ann married William Caldwell -- lived on the Susquehanna River at Curwensville. Jennie married McNeil -- lived near Millport, Clearfield County. Polly married Robert Ros of Indiana County -- living near Marion Center. Nancy married Ben Haugh -- lived at upper end of the dam at Prescottville -- no children -- both dead. Hannah McCreight, single. This makes up the tale of the dozen sons and daughters of Andrew McCreight and Ann Sharp. The thirteenth being Jamison, who was not present. A larger and finer set of men and women pioneers could not be found in any family. At this time, December, 1952, there has not yet been found the grave of James, the father of Andrew. Assessed for tax in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County, in 1808; must have died about 1810-11 or 1812, somewhere in that region. Careful search must be made -- from Elderton, Idaho Mills, Clarksburg, in all church yards and church records of that region, to complete the record.
This little biographical sketch would not be compete without mention of the writer's family, since it was written for them. Israel McCreight was named for his mother's brother, Israel Uncapher, who was through the Mexican War and also the Civil War; he became a Major in and after the Civil War; and, because of his then title was known as Major Uncapher. Some self-styled clever neighbor thought it bright to call the babe major, too. It was always a troublesome and distasteful cognomen. But the name stuck through life. Always called Maje McCreight. At 22 he was married to Alice B. Humphrey, the daughter of Richard Humphrey and Mary Slack. Wedding at 7:00 a.m., July 20, 1887, at Reynoldsville. Drove in hack to DuBois to get the morning train for Buffalo and Niagara -- a three-day trip to buy furniture. Rattly day coach covered them with soot and grime -- but it was a great event.
Alice was past 19 -- a good speller -- fresh from Reidsville Academy, and a mighty good looking girl; as the champion speller in all the district, she spelled the writer down -- which spelled her doom. Her greatgrandfather, was Richard, a veteran of the Revolution. Her brothers and sisters were John, George, Annie and Everett -- George, Annie, herself and Everett, still living.
The family of M.I.McCreight and wife Alice B. was comprised of seven who grew up, viz: Donald, born May 10, 1888; Catharine, born August 6, 1892; Jim and Jack, twins, born November 8, 1896; Martha, born November 3, 1900; M.I. McCreight, Jr., born June 18, 1906, and Rem, born February 25, 1909.
Rem was perhaps the most popular youngster in town -- a fine boy and extremely apt and of bright mind. He grew to sixteen, but in 1925 was stricken with the worst form of a terrible malady -- and died December 4, 1937. Still living are: Don, married to Grace Pifer -- two daughters, Janet and Barbara, both married and each have two children at this writing; Catharine, married Ray Stumpf, a Lutheran preacher, living at Franklin -- three sons, Richard, Raymond and Robert, and one daughter, Catharine, all married; Jim, married Austral Adams, living in Jacksonvlle, Florida -- is comptroller of the Atlantic National Bank there -- have three children; M.I., the III, an officer in the U.S. Navy, located at San Diego, Calif. -- two children, Randolph, a student at West Point Military College, and the daughter, Marjorie, is in girl's college at Tallahassee; Jack, married Marion Billman -- have two children -- Jackie, the son, now employed in engineering at Pittsburgh, and Alice J., in scientific work in hospital in Sioux City, Iowa; Martha, married Floyd Swisher, and lives in her own home at the Wigwam -- one child adopted, Gretchen, married to Craig Powers, with one boy four years old, living in their own home just below the Wigwam on State Highway No. 119; M.I., Jr., twice married -- one son to first wife, Richard, now in the FBI office in Washington, and a son to second wife, Cile Matthews, John, a fine youngster of ten. Rem left two children, Neysa and Remmie, she now 19, in a Nurse's Hospital in Buffalo. Rem's widow re-married to Muffie, live in Erie. This completes the record of the writer's family to date. Parents live alone in the Wigwam -- large enough for a dozen -- but as William Emory once said when visiting here that "I've seen most fine houses in this country and in Europe, but this is the first time I ever saw a real home."
By M.I. McCreight - 1951
The first record of the name is McCraight -- the ancient seat being in Ireland. An uncommon Irish personal name, a Donegal family, the head of which was Coarb (hereditary church land trustee) of St. Daneogh, or erenaugh (hereditary chroniclers to one of the houses of O'Brien) of Termon Daveog now Tremon Hagrath St. Lough Derg and resided at Castle of Termon Magrath at the northern extremity of Lough Enne, about one half mile west of Pettigo, and Thomond and in the county of Waterford, north of Ireland. The only dates we have on record is that the surname existed before the 13th century and that the coat of arms was borne by the family prior to 1483, A.D., when the college of arms was established, and when records were first kept. Authorities: Burke, General Armory, 1884 -- Fairbuen's crest, -- 1892 -- O'Hart's, pedigrees, 1915 -- Kelley -- Irish surnames, 1939. Int. Her. Inst.
The spelling of the name would prove that the pronouncement is of the sound of a and not i as in McCrate -- not McCrite.
It would mean a trip to Ireland and months of study and hard work to trace out the old-time records -- from the first mentioned resident above noted, down to the mid-1700s. But we have a relative in the person of Mary B. McCreight, of 58 Bowdoin Avenue, Dorchester, Mass., who has made a study of the originals back to the 1760s. To fill the gap and to find a beginning of the American emigration of 1750 & 1760, we quote from a letter dated Nov. 2, 1932:
"There are no McCreights in Ireland except my kinsfolks, who are all of Scotch origin. In the 1750s my direct ancestor William McCreight lived in Gilford, County Down-- and it would be quite possible that this William's brother was your direct ancestor for at that time many Scotch people in Ireland went to America, not being satisfied with conditions at home.My ancestor had four sons, the oldest of whom was James. I am descended from his second son, William, through my father, and his third son, John, through my mother. He had another son, David, who had two sons, Andrew and William. Some of these names are the same as those in your family.
"The McCreights were members of the Tullylish Episcopal Church in _______Co., Down, and were church wardens at intervals from 1718 to 1853. In that church there are tablets to their memories, and tombstones in the church yard with their names. But in many of the riots in Ireland, the records of births, marriages and deaths were destroyed. There were no public records kept until 1864.
"I got a copy of an entry regarding the McCreights, from McKerlie's Land & their Owners, in Galloway -- John McCreight and Mary Edgar, his spouse, sosine of lands of Blackmark and Craiglowe, on Dec. 2nd, 1674, and of upper and Nether Cleughoulis on Oct. 20th, 1675. In the year 1700 there were no McCreights in Galloway so they must have crossed over to Ireland, so very near.
"The McCreights in Ireland were land owners and professional men -- seemed always to be in comfortable circumstances -- they married into very good families, too. I was told by my people that the McCreights were always landowners in Scotland -- and that they were FREE MEN.
"Your ancestor must have come from the North of Ireland for at that time there were no McCreights in the south -- the Andrew McCreight I mentioned had a coat of arms which he prized very much -- don't know who has it now. In my branch, the names William, James, John and Andrew frequently occur. Many McCreights graduated from Trinity College, Dublin -- they were very literary people. My grandfather was a Fellow of Trinity -- was regarded as an authority on the Gaelic Language."
And so we have a picture of the McCreights -- Scotch of origin, living on Northern Ireland, up to the time when they began coming to America -- in the 1750s. Or later. Mary B. above quoted, says: My ancestor had four sons, the eldest of whom was JAMES. Is the said James, the one we want to identify - as our ancestor? Our James was married in Ireland -- had 3 children there -- married again when he came to America -- to Sallie Dunn; had 4 children to her -- one of whom was Andrew McCreight, our grandfather, who married Ann Sharp; his third wife was Betty Johnston, to whom he had 9 children. Andrew McCreight and Ann Sharp had 13 children of whom the 5th was John McCreight, our father. John McCreight married Eliza Uncapher whose children were Susan, Joseph, William Israel, Edith, Bruce and Lillian. (Israel, Bruce, Lillian being the only ones living at this date -- May, 1951).
James is the one we are hunting down. Mary says in the 1750s William lived in Gilford; he, William, had 4 sons, the oldest of whom was James. This, therefore, is the fellow we must tie to, the only one who fits in date, name and place. How can we prove that this is the James and that he came over about the 1750s, for we have no record of his sailing or arrival? We checked the list of thirty thousand emigrants who came over in the 1730-1770s, mostly from Germany -- sailing from Rotterdam -- stopping at Portsmouth or at Cowes on the way -- must have sailed on a British ship, from Liverpool or an Irish port. Almost certainly he landed at Philadelphia, where the greatest hordes from the Palatines disembarked. Seems that the line ended here -- for evidence is lacking -- we can't show that he did come or how or when. The old proof rests upon the fact that a James McCreight fathered a lot of McCreights in the new world -- how, otherwise, came the name? There is undisputed evidence that James McCreight married Sallie Dunn -- and thereby spawned whole flocks of descendents; five of his children to the Dunn mother were John, Betsy, Jennie and Andrew and Sallie, twins. Jennie married John Johnston and from this union came the hordes of Johnstons. Andrew married Ann Sharp and thus established thirteen in number of a first family, the names being: James, Sharp, Sallie, Joseph, John, Ann, Polly, Jane (Jennie), Nancy, Thomas, Smith, Jamison and Hannah. Whatever we have of proof that a James McCreight existed and where and when -- in America?
A James McCreight enlisted as a private March 13, 1776, in Lancaster County, raised in Upper Paxtang and Hanover -- a part of the 4th battalion, under command of James Burd; --Vol. 7 Series V Penna. Archives, page 346. August, 1777, he made a return of 4th company 6th battalion, of which he was then captain -- 5th series Vol. 7 -- Captains Grain and McCreight companies at Chester, Col. Jas. Watson -- same Vol. page 539. In 1778-9 as captain of 5th company 6th battalion, Col. John Rogers Ser. 5 Vol. 7, pages 548-9 -- is listed in the 1790 census as Captain James McCreight. Records show that James McCreight was a member of the Provincial Assembly -- was elected to the first assembly 1790. Land assessed to Anthony McCreight also to James McCreight, in Lancaster County for 1771 and on.
Father John McCreight once told the writer that he thought his great-grandfather's name was Anthony McCreight and that he lived near Harrisburg. Anthony McCreight is assessed with land in Lancaster County, in 1774; this would indicate that in 1771, along with a James, probably a son -- seemingly neighbors -- the one Anthony McCreight came from Scotland -- our ancestor came from northern Ireland -- Seemingly there were two Anthonys -- each could have had sons named James. There is confusion here! One of them named James married Janet Strain -- our James married for the second wife, Sallie Dunn. Which one of the James McCreights was our ancestor? Emily McCreight descended from one; we from the other.
The James who married Janet Strain is buried at Hanover, now Dauphin County -- died Nov. 21, 1807, age 66. His wife survived him, died Sept. 13, 1828 -- buried beside him. This James was born at sea -- must have been born in 1741; this fixes date of their coming over -- as 1741.
James McCreight is reported in Egle (??) as in Crooked Creek in 1794 -- Andrew McCreight was born 1787 there -- must have been the son of James as 7 years of age then, 1794. Where did this James come from? -- Where did he die and was buried? These are the unsettled questions. His wife, here must have been Sallie Dunn -- the second wife. Captain Sharp left this section for Kentucky in 1794 -- killed by Indians on the way -- buried in the fort at Pittsburg, July, 1794. When killed he had 7 children living and they all went back to Cumberland County -- lived there 3 years then got their place back -- this must have been the Crooked Creek of Shelocta place -- where they all lived together -- this would prove that they were back at Crooked Creek in 1797 and on. If so, Andrew, born in 1787 knew -- and later married the daughter Ann. And, they began raising a family there -- James, born 1812, the eldest, down to John, who was 11 when they moved to Jefferson, in 1832. This all checks pretty well -- but where did this James come from and where did he go? -- where buried -- naturally we would expect to find his grave at Elderton, or Shelocta. But the big question is, WHO was he and how came to Crooked Creek or where from -- how connect Anthony, the supposed great grandfather of our father, John?
As Andrew McCreight was born May 15, 1787 -- and James McCreight was said in Egle to be at Crooked Creek in 1794, we must begin to recognize this as a lead to a solution -- we know that Andrew came to Jefferson County in 1832 -- then at the age of 45, from near Shelocta or Crooked Creek. And where did James come from to Crooked Creek -- seems reasonable to assume that he lived at Crooked Creek for several years -- for it was in that neighborhood that Capt. Sharp's family came after Capt. Sharp was killed in 1794, and the daughter Ann was likely courted and married there by Andrew, a neighbor. In such an event, why so little record of James there -- most likely would have been buried at Elderton, or some record of some settlement of his estate in Armstrong or Indiana County; or of course, he might have removed from that region to some other, before his death.
If Capt. Sharp left Shelocta because of Indian troubles, in 1794, would it be likely that James McCreight would remain nearby -- in 1794, as stated in Egle history?
We have sent for transcript of settlement of Captain James McCreight, with the hope it may shed some light on this -- the whole question now is to learn whether Crooked Creek James was the Captain James or not -- doesn't seem possible -- for Capt. James is said to have married Janet Strain -- our James married Sally Dunn. Not the same James. No deed records in Indiana County or in Armstrong Count indicating ownership to land in that section at the time -- may have been a squatter or a renter.
While we have not proven the James McCreight known to be a captain in the Revolution, was or was not our ancestor, we do show that a James lived on Crooked Creek -- who was the father of Andrew McCreight born in 1787 -- and we do know that Andrew was our grandfather, the father of John, our own father. This Andrew McCreight picked for his wife, the daughter of a Revolutionary captain, Andrew Sharp's daughter Ann. And so descent from a distinguished soldier is clearly established, on the father's side. And John McCreight married Catherine Uncapher, and her attendants were also of Revolutionary fame. Conrad Ludwig, a Bavarian, relative of Count Zinzindorf, came to America. There were more than one Conrad Ludwicks -- our Conrad we find was married, settled in Westmorland -- now Allegheny County, and was married and began raising a family, having for the first child Barbara, born Dec. 1, 1783, and thence to the sixth child, Susanna Ludwick, born June 12, 1803, married on the 25th Nov. 1819, to Adam Ungerfer -- (Uncapher). This from the original list written about 1915 -- by Eliza McCreight. We have the original written contract dated Nov. 2, 1791, in which Conrad sold to brother George Ludwick a plot of land, for one hundred and thirty pounds sterling. We also have the photostat of the original family Bible of Conrad showing the births and deaths of his family. The 6th being Susanna -- married Adam Ungerfer -- our grandparents.
Here we append some military records of Andrew Sharp and of Conrad Ludwick, viz: Andrew Sharp -- private Capt. Peeble's Co., -- 2nd battalion Penna. Rifle Regt. commanded by Col. Daniel Broadhead -- camped near King's Bridge Sept. 1, 1776, also private in Capt. Matthew Scott's Co. Penna. State Regt. of Foot -- Col. Bull Captain of the 8th company -- second battalion, Westmoreland County militia July 7, 1789 -- captain of the Fourth Company Westmoreland County militia Dec. 12, 1792 -- also captain Third Company Westmoreland County militia, July 2, 1793. Ref.: Penna. Archives Vol. 3 and Vol. 4, sixth series, etc., etc.
By this check up we find that our own father and mother both had ample military antecedents to warrant any member of their family to SAR and DAR society and memberships. And of their descendants. Following down in the Uncapher family from Adam and Susanna, it is to show that they were all military from the Mexican War down to and through the Civil War: Israel the next elder of the brothers, was in and through the Mexican War and later was known as "Major" Uncapher in his home town of Greensburg.
Because the writer was named in his honor, Israel McCreight, some neighbors thought it was bright to call the infant Major also, and so, all through life, the nickname stuck.
Yet, the only military service the writer rendered his country was raising the army in World War I -- and the settlement of a threatened outbreak of Indians in '85. The title of Chief of the Sioux, in a big ceremony with Buffalo Bill as witness, was a far greater tribute than any that could have been conferred by any president or military organization. It was an honor to be made a member of the G.A.R. which was done by the old soldiers of the Civil War. He was also, in later years, adopted into the Mohawk Tribe.
For the benefit and convenience of the descendants of the John McCreight and Eliza Uncapher family the record of the births, marriages and deaths of the members is subjoined.
Adam Uncapher (Ungerfer) was born Loudon Co., Va., Nov. 1776. Susanna Ludwig was born July 10, 1803 -- married Nov. 25, 1819; Children, John, born Nov. 6, 1820 -- killed at Cynthiana, Ky., June 12, 1864; Israel, born Jan. 10, 1824, married Louisa Wise 1848 -- second wife Harriet Hitchman -- died Mt. Pleasant, Feb. 17, 1875; Maria, born, Marion, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1825 -- married Simaon Detar, Oct. 1853, died Greensburg April 5, 1885; Priscilla, born July 3, 1825, Marion, Ohio, married John Phillipi, May 7, 1867, died Aug. 6, 1909; Eliza, born, Marion, Ohio, May 10, 1830, married John McCreight in Greensburg, Oct. 7, 1851, by Rev. Moore. Died in DuBois, age 87.John McCreight, born July 11, 1821, at Crooked Creek; married Eliza Uncapher (as above) children: Susan, Joseph S., William, Israel, Bruce B., Lillian -- other children died young. Susan married Milligan McAdoo -- Joseph married Sally Collins -- William married Annie Reed -- Israel married Alice Humphrey -- Bruce married Lillian Wise -- Lillian married Ambrose Quinlan.
M. I. McCreight and Alice B. Humphrey were married in Reynoldsville, July 20, 1887. Their children were: Donald, married Grace Pifer, have two daughters, Janet and Barbara. Catharine married Ray Stumpf, have three sons and one daughter viz, --Richard, Ray, Jr. and Bob, all married -- daughter Catharine at home. live at Franklin. Jim and Jack, twins born 1896 -- Jim married Austral Adams, have two sons, one daughter viz, -- Major I., III, now a naval ensign, and Randolph, student at Florida University, appointed to West Point Military Academy, and Marjorie, in school -- live at Jacksonville, Fla.
Jack married Marion Billman, have one son Jack, Jr., and Alice Jane, graduate technical science. Live at Oakmont. Martha married Floyd Swisher, one adopted daughter Gretchen. They live at their home near DuBois. M.I. McCreight, Jr., married; one son Richard in FBI duty at Washington, and John, age 9. Richard, son of union with Frances Lewis, and John, son of union second marriage with Lucille Matthews, live at New Kensington, Pa. Rembrandt, born Feb. 25,1909, died Dec. 4, 1937, two children, daughter Neysa and Rem, Jr. Was married to Lola Roebling. Died with a terrible malady, yet one of the finest and most popular young men of his time.
Much credit is due Mrs. Floe Straitwell for furnishing data on both McCreight and Ludwick records. She has approved publication of this booklet for the information of immediate family guidance, but calls attention to many records that must be supplied by further search for details.
Wigwam, 1951. --- M. I. McCreight.
Offered 5/07 -