Mention of Sitting Bull's life in Canada brought from the old chief the story of a visit he made to Sitting Bull's camp in Wood Mountain long years after the great chief's death; he said:
"When Sitting Bull left for Canada with the hostiles, seven families, who were not of his band, were missed from the reservation; no one knew where they were and they were given up as killed by the whites." Then about forty years passed and Flying Hawk heard that a band of Indians were living at Sitting Bull's old camping ground in Canada. He went to visit them. He found that they numbered five hundred, and they lived in tepees just as the Indians lived in the old days, and that they had all descended from the original seven lost families. He said they were fine healthy and happy, and their hair reached below the knee.

While talking about Sitting Bull, the old chief referred to his speech about treaties made with the whites. On examination, the library had a volume containing the speech which was read to the old man by the interpreter. He asked to have it placed with his Custer account so that people would know the truth about the way Indians were abused and cheated. The speech follows: "What treaty that the white man kept has the red man broken? Not one.
"What treaty that the white man ever made with us have they kept? Not one. "When I was a boy the Sioux owned the land; the sun rose and set on their country; they sent ten thousand horsemen to battle! Where are the warriors today? Who slew them? Where are our lands?—Who owns them?

"What white man can say I ever stole his lands or a penny of his gold? Yet they say I am a thief! What white woman, however lonely, was ever a captive or insulted by me? Not one, yet they say I am a bad Indian. What white man has ever seen me drunk? Who has ever come to me hungry and went unfed? Who has ever seen me beat my wives or abuse my children? What law have I ever broken? Is it wrong for me to love my own? Is it wicked for me because my skin is red—because I am a Sioux—because I was born where my fathers lived—because I would die for my people and my country?"

The old chief had "talked enough" he said, and was now ready to go on the long trip to the Black Hills where he would soon lie down for the long sleep. Just now he was feeling better. The doctor's certificate, and a letter to be handed the manager of the show, with a last good bye, and the motor car sped him on his way west. Chief Flying Hawk died December 24, 1931, at Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

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